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Everything about Sass, including its
benefits and reasons for use

  • CSS's technology isn't developing quickly. In some ways, CSS has remained mostly unchanged since the 1990s. It still lacks a number of essential features that would make managing and developing Cascading Style Sheets easier. Fortunately, tools like CSS preprocessors make it possible to construct styles that include variables, multilayer nesting, improved handling of inheritance, and many other enhancements.

  • Wait a second... What do CSS preprocessors actually do?

    CSS preprocessors actually make CSS stronger. Its primary goal was to enhance CSS by adding some features from traditional programming languages that CSS3 lacked. Preprocessors make a huge number of functions possible, but we get to choose which ones we want to utilise. In a nutshell, the preprocessor is in charge of recompiling the current code into a format that complies with the CSS standard. After recompilation, we get native code that has been customised for each web browser.. This means how colors, type, icons, and images appear. Increasingly, front-end development has to account for how a website looks on all devices, from desktop to tablet to phone.front end developer has one general responsibility: to ensure that website visitors can easily interact with the page.


    One of the biggest flaws of the default style sheets is the necessity of copying the code into every place it appears. Mixins solve that problem. Additionally mixins work similarly to functions. The proper Sass code has to be the result of inserting a mixin. Just like functions, mixins can take parameters
    Sass allows to inherit styles from one selector to another. It is yet another functionality that prevents from unwanted repeating of the code (Don’t Repeat Yourself! rule).
    Dividing stylesheets into smaller pieces improves clarity of the code and simplifies expanding it in the future. The native CSS is capable of importing files, however this solution has a one disadvantage – every imported file generates a new HTTP request.

    What Sass has to offer?

    Declaring variables in Sass makes them available throughout the entire style sheet. The variable's value can be either a string (with or without quotation marks), a colour, a Boolean value, or a numeric number (with units of measurement). The dollar sign ($) precedes variables in Sass, while the colon (":") divides the name from the declaration.

    Although logical nesting is supported by CSS, it is not visible in the code. The use of advanced layering dramatically enhances readability while minimising code bulk.